Ice Style: Ice Sphere-I fire a powerful sphere of Ice at the enemy
Ice Style: Icy Wind-Release a gust of powerful sharp ice that tears apart the opponent
Ice Style: Ice Graveyard-I release mulitple pillars that strike from mutilple angle
Ice Style: Ice Dragon- A dragon of Ice attacks the enemy
Ice Style: Icicle Rain- I create many ice blades in the air as the launch at the enemy and attack the vicously and relentlessly
Ice Style: Ice Prison- A trap the enemy in a block of ice for a limited time
Ice Style:Absolute Zero- For those of you who don't know Absolute Zero is the temp at which all molecular movement would stop...(meaning everything) As I prepare for this attack billions of Ice blades and shard begins to rapidly fly everywhere with the Icy Wind blowing everywhere
Light Style: Light Blast-I fire a blast of Light at the enemy
Light Style: Flashing Spires- I release many spears of light to penetrate my opponent
Light Style: Light Explosion- Sphere of Light explode causing damage
Light Style: Light Blade- I create many blades of Light that circle me and that I can used to damage my opponent.
Light Style: Radiant Blast- Beams of Energy appear around((They start from below and above) me damaging my enemy multiple time. I then focus the energy into on multi-hitting orb in front of me, before releasing the energy in on final bang.
Light Style: Photon- A blast of light a then releasing Light shards like a sharpnel bomb